
Phillippines to JAPAN

Tsunami Disaster (Kesennuma)


Sky-Tree Tower

Ikebukuro San-Shine

My Tokyo Home

Shinjuku Down Town

Yokohama Bay-Bridge

Yokohama Down Town

Nijima AirPort

Shikine Jima Island

Nijima Port

Nijima AirPort


Odaigahara Water Fall


Kumamoto AirPort

Amakusa AirPort

Amakusa Island

Kagoshima City

Mt.Sakura Jima Volcano

Tanegashima Space Center


Tokunoshima AirPort

Izana Jima

Izena Jima AirPort

Kerama AirPort

Right after AirBone from Naha Runway

Naha runway is shared with Japanese Air Force. 4 F-15 s just took off before me.

Naha AirPort

Separation was not enough and this guy landed a second after I got out from Runway.

Entering FINAL of Naha Runway after long long way from the States.

First time I saw Japanese LAND which is totally different feeling from the view from commertial flight.

Last Island of Phillipines before I started to Japan

Manila Airport


Anonymous said...

Amanzing ! It´s really impresive , congratulations !!
I´m a spanish sport pilot who fly a little TL 96 star in Spain... I love your aircraft.. piper Sport Cruiser.. I would like to have this one... !!! Thank you very much for sharing with us your wonderfull adventure.. !

Anonymous said...

Amanzing ! It´s really impresive , congratulations !!
I´m a spanish sport pilot who fly a little TL 96 star in Spain... I love your aircraft.. piper Sport Cruiser.. I would like to have this one... !!! Thank you very much for sharing with us your wonderfull adventure.. !

AL-MEHDAR said...

It was a nice experiance and you will share it with your sons when you get old for sure. May I have your email address please. I would like to hear and learn more because I am so interesting to do a long international cross country like yours.
Please email me on


AL-MEHDAR said...

Dear Mr. Shuhei Seki

I'm still waiting you since one year.
Kindly, may you contact me on this email


or txt message on my mobile +966503340767

I need your help according SportCruiser aircraft.

Waiting your reply

Best regards