
Egypt from Belgium

This big bus was operated only for me.


Alsimbel Temple

Alsimbel Airport

Requested departure to see Pyramid in visibilityless than 1500 m.

Can you find 3 big pyramids in sand storm , at the left side of photo ?

My parking spot was the other side which takes more than 15 minu. to be in terminal.

This VIP terminal was used only for me

This guy almost hit me , although tower said [ hold short ]. Maybe he never saw such small one.

Huge airport

Cairo Airport showed up just 1 mile before

Cairo was very sandy. 1500 m visibility . Flying IFR.

Terminal was too far away.

Irakilon Airport Greec

Crossed ocean again

Miconos Island Greec

Kerkira Airport Greec

Napoli Airport is located just middle of city.

Vesuvios Volcano

Npoli Harbore

Napoli city and Mt. Vesuvios

Capri Island

Corsica was still -5 degree

Cannes Airport

Mt.Blanc was so clear

Cold but beautifull flight in France.

Escaped just before big snow storm at 8 AM.

St.Ghuilain Belgium was -8 degree. There was a very tinny window to get away.

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